E-learning for health: eating disorders in acute medical settings
Level 1 LO4;KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and long term
LO7; KC7 Recognises when the behaviours of a child or young person puts themselves or others at risk of harm.
We can talk core curriculum training: aiming to transform the experience of people who attend hospital due to their mental health and the staff who support them. Please complete the course curriculum which is available to most trusts in south west.
Level 1
LO4;KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and long term
LO6;KC1 Participates effectively and constructively in the multi-disciplinary (MDT) and inter-professional teams, engaging with children, young people and families, facilitating shared decision making.
LO7;KC7 Recognises when the behaviours of a child or young person puts themselves or others at risk of harm.
Minded is a free online learning and advice service. See the course catalogue, targeted and specialist CAMHS modules which has many sub sections including depression and anxiety to complex trauma and adverse childhood experiences. Targeted modules include:
Level 1
introduction to specialist clinical work modules 1 & 2 LO4;KC1: Performs an assessment of a baby, child or young person’s physical, mental and developmental status, incorporating biological, physiological and social factors across multiple clinical contexts
The impact of culture and religion on child mental health LO5;KC4 Interprets the impact of environmental, economic, global and cultural contexts on health promotion and physical and mental health illness prevention.
Domestic abuse and looked after children modules LO9;KC2 Conducts an assessment for possible maltreatment, including sexual abuse which incorporates attention to the broader family function and the baby’s, child’s or young person’s developmental, physical and mental health status.
Suicide and self harm prevention modules.LO7;KC7 Recognises when the behaviours of a child or young person puts themselves or others at risk of harm
ACEs modules LO9;KC6 Recognises the long-term impact of physical and mental adverse childhood experiences, including maltreatment and when a baby, child or young person and families are vulnerable, distressed and in need of early support and intervention.
Level 2
The impact of culture and religion on child mental health LO1;KC1 Demonstrates leadership in the management of relationships where religious or cultural beliefs may cause conflict between children, young people and families and healthcare professionals
Families in the UK modules LO5;KC Understand the impact of wider economic, cultural and social factors which impact on mental and physical health at a population level.
ACEs modules LO9, KC1 Applies knowledge of the impact of adverse childhood experiences in working with vulnerable babies, children and young people, including those with complex needs, across a variety of clinical settings.
The Mental Health Act E-learning module: This session is designed to help professionals working with children and young people understand the law around providing treatment for mental health problems
Level 1
LO7;KC5 Applies safety and reporting procedures to clinical care situations, responding to identified risks/hazards.
LO7;KC7 Recognises when the behaviours of a child or young person puts themselves or others at risk of harm
In person courses
Papyrus: Prevention of young suicide
The association for child and adolescent mental health
GOSH Introduction to Children’s Mental Health Course: This two day course is aimed to provide you with a space to learn more about children’s mental health by introducing key psychological theories, learning key practical therapeutic skills and building your confidence in using these skills in your day to day practice. This course will also allow you to share and hear from other NHS trust, about what mental health difficulties they face within children and young people services. 2025 dates.