
Guided reading

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The association of child and adolescent mental health
Topic based pages outlining conditions and learning portal with talks on mental health conditions in paediatrics
Level 1 LO4;KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and long term

Children and young persons mental health coalition
Resources for children families and health care professionals
Level 2 LO5;KC6 Evaluates the way that patients and families use the health system and adapts their practice to encourage self-management and early engagement.

Royal college of psychiatrists guidance on medical emergencies in eating disorders
Provides a comprehensive overview of the latest evidence associated with eating disorders, including highlighting the importance and role of healthcare professionals from right across the spectrum recognising their responsibilities in this area.
Level 1 LO4;KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and long term

Articles and books

The role of paediatricians in children and young people’s mental health – position statement 2024
The college outlines its position on paediatric mental health services and outlines the role for paediatricians in prevention, early recognition and holistic care.
Level 2 LO5;KC1 Understand the impact of wider economic, cultural and social factors which impact on mental and physical health at a population level.

WHO report on the social determinants of mental health (2014) looks at the link between social inequalities and the impact on mental health at all stages of life from the antenatal period through to old age.
Level 1 LO5;KC4 Interprets the impact of environmental, economic, global and cultural contexts on health promotion and physical and mental health illness prevention.
Level 2 LO5;KC1 Understand the impact of wider economic, cultural and social factors which impact on mental and physical health at a population level.

RCPCH responds to CQC report ‘The Monitoring the Mental Health Act in 2022/2023’
The Care and Quality Commission (CQC) has published their annual report which looks at how healthcare providers use the Mental Health Act (MHA) in the treatment of people with mental health needs.
Level 1
LO7;KC5 Applies safety and reporting procedures to clinical care situations, responding to identified risks/hazards.
LO7;KC7 Recognises when the behaviours of a child or young person puts themselves or others at risk of harm

A Very Modern Family: Stories and guidance to nurture your relationships
Book on a families lived experience dealing mental challenges
Level 2 LO5;KC6 Evaluates the way that patients and families use the health system and adapts their practice to encourage self-management and early engagement.

A focus on adolescent mental health and wellbeing in Europe, Central Asia and Canada
A report untaken by Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study on new insights into adolescent health and well-being, understand the social determinants of health and inform policy and practice to improve young people’s lives
Level 2 LO5;KC1 Understand the impact of wider economic, cultural and social factors which impact on mental and physical health at a population level.

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