
Articles and further reading


Core reading: NICE guidance on Cerebral Palsy
Level 1
LO4 KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and lo
ng term.

Parenting children with complex needs:
NHS guidance for families caring for childrens with long term needs
Level 1 LO4; KC7 Takes into consideration the individual needs of the baby, child or young person.
level 2 LO4; KC2 Demonstrates leadership in encouraging children and young people to participate in their individual care, using external resources appropriately

Improving relationships with SEND parents:
20 minute video exploring how we can support parents of SEND children
Level 1
LO2; KC1 Understands the principles of participation in decision making for children, young people and their parents in the process of improving their health.

LO2 KC4 Demonstrates courtesy and respect for different cultures and those with protected characteristics.
level 2
LO2; KC2 Models and teaches effective active listening skills in consultation with children and young people.

The Guardian: Who cares series
The guardian has produces a series of articles giving insight into the what it is like to be career for a family member with a long term illness
Level 1 LO1; KC2 Demonstrates compassion, empathy and respect for children, young people and their families.
Level 2 KC5; LO4 Understands contextual barriers to accessing healthcare and adapts practice to reduce these.

Genomics Education Programme
many free short videos and online courses on genomic testing and treatments
Level 2 LO3; KC4 Demonstrates capability in taking consent for genetic and genomic testing applicable to GENERAL PAEDIATRICS / SUB SPECIALITY and discusses the results with children, young people and their families

For Sub specialty trainees Trello boards:
-the neurodisability community (ran by BACD)
-the neurodisability community START prep board (ran by London school of paediatrics)
Please contact your specialty trainee site for information on how to gain access


NICE guidelines on Autism and ADHD
Level 1 LO4 KC4 Engages in multi-professional management of a range of common general paediatric physical and mental health presentations, both short and long term.

National autistic society guidance for professionals
Level 1
LO4; KC7 Takes into consideration the individual needs of the baby, child or young person.
Level 2
LO4; KC2 Demonstrates leadership in encouraging children and young people to participate in their individual care, using external resources appropriately

Developmental language disorder and me
Charity which has produced short videos and infographics on developmental language disorder
LO2; KC3 Demonstrates excellent communication and interpersonal skills to enable effective collaboration with children, young people and their families, including colleagues in multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs).
level 2
LO2; KC2 Models and teaches effective active listening skills in consultation with children and young people.
LO10; KC3 Facilitates children, young people and their families’ understanding of their condition(s).

The London School of Paediatrics
Helpful free revision guides including excellent videos (though bear in mind the structure of the exam has changed since these were written). Familiarise yourself with the milestones (and red flags) of child development – essential for membership exams.

Inside our Autistic Minds on BBC iplayer (2 x 1 hour episodes)
Level 1 LO1; KC2 Demonstrates compassion, empathy and respect for children, young people and their families.

RCPCH Webinar on How can paediatricians help parents who are struggling with a child’s behaviour?
Level 2 LO10; KC3 Facilitates children, young people and their families’ understanding of their condition(s).

Palliative care

Core reading: Guidance on making decisions to limit treatment in life-limiting and life-threatening conditions in children: a framework for practice (DtLT)

Together for short lives
The leading UK based charity who provide guidance for professionals and support for families requiring paediatric palliative care. They have lots of resources and frameworks on how best to deliver palliative care.

Child Bereavement UK
A wide range of resources and guidance for professional on managing child death and supporting families. This includes a series of recorded webinars and talks for doctors on conversations with families around end of life care. They hold several live events throughout the year as well including free webinar on supportive conversations around death and dying for doctors in training.

Medications guidance:
Basic Symptom Control in Paediatric Palliative Care, 2022.
The Association of Paediatric Palliative Medicine Master Formulary 2024
Level 2 LO7; KC1 Advises children, young people and their families about the importance of concordance and about the actions of medications, including their side effects.

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