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Safeguarding In Practice
This online course aims to give the trainee an understanding of the processes involved in safeguarding children. This includes understanding the terminology used in child protection, the timeline of an investigation and the roles of the multidisciplinary team. The course aims to take the participant through a child protection case from start to finish.
Introduction To Neonatal Ventilation
This course is to help the trainee who is starting their NICU rotation by refreshing their knowledge about ventilation and boosting their confidence in day-to-day practice with ventilated neonates. After completing this course you are expected to understand the basics of gas exchanges & interpretation of blood gases, the basics of ventilation & lung injury mechanisms. You will be also able to understand basic ventilator settings and how to manipulate the ventilator by responding to the baby’s condition and blood gas results.
Examination For Neonatal Encephalopathy
This course has been produced by the Southwest Neonatal Network to support clinicians in the structured neurological assessment for neonatal encephalopathy. This is an essential skill for clinicians who may be involved in the care of neonates following possible perinatal hypoxia, as assessment for encephalopathy is an essential part of the management of these infants.
You will be guided through the elements of the Modified Sarnat Examination, put into context with a clinical case.
Introduction To Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound
This course is aimed at paediatric trainees and ANNPs covering the basics of point of care cranial ultrasound on a neonatal unit. You will cover ultrasound physics, device orientation, anatomical structures and common pathologies. If you want to take your learning further we’re also going to create an advanced neonatal ultrasound course with more cases and pathologies.
Oncological emergencies
This tutorial includes 5 cases which guide you through how to assess and manage patients with oncological emergencies. This module aims to develop your knowledge and understanding on the theory underlying the management of these patients. The ‘need-to-know’ essentials when managing these patients will also be highlighted.