
Extended Learning Experience

Following the move to Progress+, both Peninsula and Severn are hoping to provide time for trainees to explore specialties and opportunities that they may not get as much exposure to in their day-to-day work. The aim is that throughout the year there will be ‘training weeks’ built into each rota, designed to allow paediatric trainees to tailor their educational experience to things they feel are lacking on their portfolio and to help encourage career progression.

On these pages, you will find potential experiences in various fields. Each hospital has a collated list of opportunities available within their area – all with helpful contacts – and this will be a good place to start. Alternatively if you are looking to do something in a particular sub-specialty, you can use the buttons below to find opportunities related specifically to this.

Opportunities by hospital

Click the link here to find guides produced by each hospital, with extended learning opportunities specific to their region.

Opportunities by specialty

Alternatively use the buttons to find experiences and resources specific to each area of the curriculum – these will be updated periodically, so you can always check back to see if anything new has appeared!