British association for child and adolescent public health holds a variety of webinars on key tops and links to useful resources through their newsletter
Child health inequalities
How we can help tackle health inequalities: Toolkit from RCPCH
The institute of health inequalities website which contains reports, guidance and articles on the impact health inequalities. It also contains essential reading: the marmot reports.
Public Health South West webinars on health inequalities (webinar 13 and 14 covering child health and immunisations)
WAHM project: paediatric peer-to-peer sharing platform to inform, empower and unite clinicians who wish to address social determinants and health inequality in their clinical practice.
Climate change and pollution
The impact of climate change on child health and what we can do help: Toolkit from RCPCH
Climate change – resources for child health professionals: from the RCPCH
What you can do for sustainable health care: RCPCH postcast (Sep 2024)
Upskilling child health professionals to talk about air pollution RCPCH webinar (sep 2021, available till Sep 2025)
Nutrition and obesity
State of child health: Healthy weight
RCPCH advice on the impact of obesity and how to help families and children achieve a healthy weight
Childhood obesity: Applying all our health
Guidance with links to helpful resources as outlined by the government to reduce childhood obesity
National Child Measurement Programme: a conversation framework for talking to parents.
A guide in how to sensitively talk to families about childhood obesity
COVID 19 Guidance and useful resources from the college around the pandemic to help ensure that the population health impacts are minimised.
Local statistics:
Fingertips (department of health and social care): Child and maternal health outcomes per region from the deparrment of Health and Social care
Joint strategic needs assessment (JSNA) is a statutory responsibility (a legal ‘must do’) for all Health and Wellbeing Boards. It provides statics on things like life expectancy, housing, deprivation ect… It examines the health and care needs of the whole population to give a local context for health and social care service planning. To find your local areas report google JSNA and the name of your region. Examples include: Somerset, Wiltshire, Exeter
Curriculum links:
Level 1
LO1 KC3 Demonstrates self-awareness and insight, recognising their limits of capability and demonstrating commitment to continuing professional development (CPD).
LO4 KC7 Takes into consideration the individual needs of the baby, child or young person.
LO5 KC1 Recognises the potential impact but also limitations of health promotion advice.
LO5 KC2 Applies knowledge of the factors which contribute to child health inequalities and the consequences of those inequalities in terms of disability, life expectancy and health economics.
LO5 KC3 Anticipates contextual factors (socioeconomic, cultural, psychological) which constrain the ability to make “healthy choices”.
LO5 KC4 Interprets the impact of environmental, economic, global and cultural contexts on health promotion and physical and mental health illness prevention.
LO6 KC2 Develops leadership and team-working skills and relevant problem-solving strategies in clinical management contexts, such as where there is limitation of resources.
LO11 KC2 Interprets research results and explains the findings to children, young people, families and the multi-disciplinary team (MDT).
Level 2
LO1 KC2 Acts as a role model to colleagues by demonstrating a flexible, holistic, reflective, evidence-based approach to practice
LO5 KC1 Understand the impact of wider economic, cultural and social factors which impact on mental and physical health at a population level.
LO5 KC2 Demonstrates leadership and understanding of the systems that enable clinicians to analyse data relating to the patients under their care.
LO5 KC3 Utilises local, national and international health information in order to advocate for systems and policies which promote health and reduce inequalities.
LO5 KC4 Understands contextual barriers to accessing healthcare and adapts practice to reduce these.
LO5 KC5 Demonstrates leadership in health promotion by undertaking educational and/or quality improvement activity in this area across professional groups.
LO5 KC6 Evaluates the way that patients and families use the health system and adapts their practice to encourage self-management and early engagement.
LO5 KC7 Shows involvement in the process of anticipation, prevention, preparation, detection, response (contain, delay, and mitigate), communication, research and control of an epidemic in order that the population health impacts are minimised.
LO6 KC1 Takes an active role in promoting the optimum use of healthcare resources.