Key documents
Working together to Safeguard Children (2018)
Child Protection Companion (via the RCPCH Child Protection Portal – login with your usual username and password on the RCPCH website)
Serious Case Reviews e.g. Victoria Climbie, Baby Peter Connelly that have led to new legislation
Other resources:
TOXIC STRESS AND PTSD IN CHILDREN – Adversity in childhood is linked to mental and physical health throughout life (article)
Level 1
LO5; KC3 Anticipates contextual factors (socioeconomic, cultural, psychological) which constrain the ability to make “healthy choices”.
LO9;KC6 Recognises the long-term impact of physical and mental adverse childhood experiences, including maltreatment and when a baby, child or young person and families are vulnerable, distressed and in need of early support and intervention.
Level 2
LO9, KC1 Applies knowledge of the impact of adverse childhood experiences in working with vulnerable babies, children and young people, including those with complex needs, across a variety of clinical settings.
NSPCC weekly newsletter of latest new and policy updates
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime (TEDtalk)
LO5; KC4 Interprets the impact of environmental, economic, global and cultural contexts on health promotion and physical and mental health illness prevention.
Level 2
LO9, KC1 Applies knowledge of the impact of adverse childhood experiences in working with vulnerable babies, children and young people, including those with complex needs, across a variety of clinical settings.
Childhood Trauma and the Brain | UK Trauma Council (video)
LO4; KC7 Takes into consideration the individual needs of the baby, child or young person.
LO5; KC4 Interprets the impact of environmental, economic, global and cultural contexts on health promotion and physical and mental health illness prevention.
Level 2
LO5 KC4 Understands contextual barriers to accessing healthcare and adapts practice to reduce these.
LO9, KC2 Applies knowledge of the role of the paediatrician as it relates to those of other agencies in the management of babies, children and young people in need of protection
Molly Wright: How every child can thrive by five | TED talk (video)
‘Why I am rude’ – a poem about the potential feelings and circumstances behind behaviour (video)
Child protection specialist interest group host a wide range of resources and guidelines for safeguarding children.
Level 1
LO9;KC1 Recognises and acts upon safeguarding concerns, taking into account risk factors.
Level 2
LO9, KC4 Instigates appropriate medical investigations, initiating and contributing to multi-agency involvement in all forms of abuse