These are courses we’re working on at the moment. Click on a listing below to view the current development status of a course.
This page is a good place to check first if you’re thinking of developing a new course yourself. If you’d like to contribute to a course which is already under development, get in touch with the course directors, or leave a comment on the course page. Make sure you ask us to post the details about your course if once you’ve decided on something, so that others can offer help and support. You can get in touch here.
Current listings

This course is aimed at neonatal trainees in Severn and Peninsula looking to develop point-of-care ultrasound skills

Introduction To Neonatal Cranial Ultrasound
This course is aimed at paediatric trainees and ANNPs covering the basics of point of care cranial ultrasound on a neonatal unit. You will cover ultrasound physics, device orientation, anatomical structures and common pathologies. If you want to take your learning further we’re also going to create an advanced neonatal ultrasound course with more cases and pathologies.

Milk And More: Neonatal Nutrition
This course will cover all aspects of neonatal nutrition including antenatal and post-natal nutrition requirements, methods of nutrition (enteral and parenteral), probiotics, growth monitoring and more. This teaching will be evidence based and will provide links to supporting articles for further reading.

Procedure Guide: Umbilical Lines
This course is intended as a guide for practitioners inserting umbilical lines in a neonate. It aims to standardise and encourage optimum technique, complying with current BAPM and GWH approved policies.

To cool or not to cool: an introduction to neonatal hypoxic ischaemic injury
Managing babies born in poor condition requires good clinical skills including an understanding of the clinical information, the events perinatally and the correct interpretation of investigations including cord gases and CFM. Further to this you need to communicate to distressed parents effectively. This module introduces a baby born in poor condition and walks you through how to manage Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy.

Passing the Applied Knowledge in Practice exam
This module contains recordings of small group teaching on the topic of the AKP exam and will help you understand and interpret the information being given to you and pick the correct answer based on good clinical reasoning.

The beating of the drums – Myocarditis case studies and learning
This is a module looking at clinical cases presenting with a differential diagnosis of myocarditis. The module will consist of four case studies, a lecture on the basics of ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and ventricular assist devices.

Neonatal Sepsis: 2021 NICE Guidance Update
Learn about the key updates from the 2021 NICE guidance and practical information that you can implement in your day-to-day work on the NICU and postnatal wards.

Neonatal Ultrasound
This package is designed to provide an insight into the theoretical and practical aspects of neonatal ultrasound for lung and bladder.

Taking a patient with raised ICP to scan
Swift intervention is vital is in children with acutely raised ICP who are amenable to neurosurgical intervention. This module will help you develop a approach which can be implemented to rapidly and safely respond to a brain arrest emergency.

Introduction to haemophilia in children
Introduction to the management of haemophilia in children, including a worked case example.

Neonatal intubation scenarios
In this course you will see simulated examples of neonatal intubations in different scenarios: planned INSURE procedure for a neonate with RDS; intubation with fentanyl as an alternative to morphine; and intubation with ketamine and rocuronium as alternative drugs in a neonate with cardiovascular instability.