Updates for Doctors in Training (DiTs) from the Severn School team are shown below.
Introduction to cranial ultrasound course now live!
We are delighted to announce that the “Introduction to cranial ultrasound course” is now live! Suitable for all paediatric and neonatal trainees, plus ANNPs. The course covers introduction to…
Severn ST3 Step up
For all Severn trainees who have worked on the reg rota in ST3 we are collecting feedback on this new process. As you are the first set of trainees…
Call for Faculty for MRCPCH Clinicals Course
We are planning a deanery-endorsed MRCPCH Clinicals course (Mock Exam) in Exeter in January 2025 and are seeking Faculty. Roles are available for both junior and senior doctors: Previous…
Quality improvement resources
The Associate Dean responsible for overseeing QI training in the South West (Pippa Blacklock) will be stepping down at the end of this month, but has highlighted some great…
Regional practical procedures course 3/10/24
The next regional Practical Procedures course will be held at Southmead hospital on Thursday 3 October. This course is aimed at ST1 and ST2 DiT and will cover all…
Severn PAFTAs 2023
Thank you to all those who made a nomination for the Severn PAFTAs for 2022-2023, and to those who came to join us for the award evening in March.…
Severn PAFTAs Celebration Evening – Thursday 21st March
We are holding a celebration evening on Thursday 21st March at 19:30 at The Grain Barge in Bristol. We would love to see as many of you there as…
2024 / 25 Preferences
Good afternoon. I have sent out the letter about the preference form and the link this afternoon, to all Paediatric Doctors in Training across the South-West. I am aware…