Hi All,
The mains news this winter….
Progress Plus is coming this September 2023
See how it will affect you here: https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/progressplus-and-me
To understand the sign off of level 2 and whether you can do this in 1 year please see:
Eportfolio changes
Kaizen name is changing to Risr/advance
Don’t worry this wont change the layout or the documents. Just a name change. Trust firewalls may cause a problem, but teams all working on this so hopefully a smooth transition.
NEW forms
- Grade checklist forms
These forms are to help you identify which sections are left to complete pre ARCP- they should help you streamline and should not be extra work. By not having each section completed does not mean you can not progress. This same information is being shared with educational supervisors through college minutes
IF you are LTFT and need two supervisors for PDPs before your ARCP then the ‘supplementary supervisor form’ allows you to create a separate PDP without another checklist.
Please contact me if this confuses you: searthur@gmail.com
- Teaching development log
You can now collate feedback for your teaching directly via your eportfolio. You do not need to collect lots of extra forms. Fantastic news!
Getting SPA time
Nationally there is a large push to improve our training. This includes increased professional development time (SPA)
The ideal is 16hours for SPR & 8hours for Tier 1 Doctors (prorata). In practice this is not happening and we are all aware of this, thank you for the feedback. Strategies are being implemented locally and nationally to try and address.
The trainee charter and the SPA time recommended is the ‘ideal’ and not contractual. However the 2016 BMA contract states:
Exception reporting is the mechanism used by doctors to ensure compensation for all work performed and uphold agreed educational opportunities. The activities to which exception reporting applies include (but is not limited to):
- any professional activities that the doctor is required to fulfil by their employer (e-portfolio, induction, e-learning, Quality Improvement and Quality Assurance projects, audits, mandatory training / courses)
Our aim in Severn (by your reps)
- Ensure all trainees have their ER logins
- Clear communication through HOS/TPDS/College Tutors/ES that the mechanism of ER will help us identify/be recognised for the work we have done and business plan for filling gaps
- Identify in which locations it is working and why-> can we roll this out throughout the region
- Identifying excellence
- Face to face meetings
- There are clinical fellow posts and teams in place to look at work wellbeing and work force planning. (Dinwoodie Fellows)
- Constant communication and push at all levels to adjust
Trainees will hear back over the next couple of weeks re: March START diet.
The college are recruiting assessors in order to provide enough diets to get every trainee through in time but there is difficulty (partly due to workforce pressures). The trainees are prioritised based on their CCT date. If you are trying to CCT early, please talk with Dr Alex Powell (TPD) and get CCT date moved to get START date priority.
Face of LTFT training changing
Category 3 came into effect Nov 2019. The gold guide has now removed the categorisations of 1,2 & 3. You do not need to be grouped but you still put a reason. Trainees often have multiple reasons and this is to try and simplify the process.
Most people using LTFT colleagues for LTFT support, huge network of trainees not recognised for support providing. The college are looking at this and trying to enhance support and resources available.
It is recognised that being LTFT brings difficulties regarding pay issues, pressure to cover non working days, the extra admin required being LTFT. Again, recognition and work being put into this from the college, we will keep you updated.
Exam updates
From February you will have 4 clinical stations with patients. The development station will stay as a scenario- not a patient.
Non-trainees are also prioritised if career critical. If anyone knows someone who is struggling to get a place please get them to contact me searthur@gmail.com.