If you would like to spend time visiting the tier 4 mental health hospitals attending ward rounds, clinics or visiting the wards please contact the following consultants:
Hospital | Contact |
Bristol: Riverside | currently closed as no consultant |
Bridgewater: Wessex house | Dr Gargi Bandyopadhyay- Gargi.Bandyopadhyay@somersetft.nhs.uk (currently temporarily closed due to staffing issues, but should re-open soon) |
Swindon: Malborough House | Dr Richard Eyre- Richard.Eyre@oxfordhealth.nhs.uk |
Plymouth: Plym Bridge House | Dr Fernanda Garcia-Costas- fernanda.garcia-costas@nhs.net |
Cornwall: Sowena | Dr Seb Rotheray – s.rotheray@nhs.net |