
Regional poster presentation opportunity- start submitting!

Start submitting your abstracts for presenting your poster at the Severn and Peninsula Education Conference on 20th April!

Have you been involved in a QI project that has had a positive effect in your department? Have you developed local initiatives to enhance staff wellbeing? Have you introduced any innovative educational resources? We’d love to hear about it and share your ideas! There will be prizes for the top 3 posters and opportunity to present this at the conference.

Please register your poster using the following link. Deadline 27th March!

Posters should be printed by the candidate and in A1 format. Your local Trust should have a printing service on offer that you can use.
There are no strict rules on the poster format but we recommend being selective with the information you have displayed and consider a balance between text, graphic representation of results and pictures.

Registration of attendance for the conference please complete the form below:

For the full programme please see:

Any queries please contact Maria Tsakmakis or email

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