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- Meeting with Chrissie Parfitt, LTFT rep for Severn
- Content action plan agreed by 10th Dec
- Added user and author permissions
- Email forwarder set up
- Added feedback form to LTFT section
- Meeting with Susannah McMahon, re neonatal procedures courses
- Awaiting content by 10th Dec inc. patient consent for filming
- Meeting with Sarah Blakey, RTT rep for Severn
- Content action plan agreed by 10th Dec
- Added user and author permissions
- Email forwarder set up.
- Added ‘show more’ feature to reps bios
- Moved technical documentation online, work on plugins page
- Installed updraft backup – ran first instance – connected to new dropbox account for separate backup storage
- Created pre-registration form
- Emailed teaching reps to chase content for reps page, created doodle poll for teaching reps meeting
- Conversation with Emma Coombe regarding possible role on PaedsHub