Lee Ann Quek
PACER South West Lead
Hi, I’m Lee Ann and am an ST3 currently working in Gloucester. I sat my clinical exam as an ST2 and quickly realised how much work it was getting tutors and bedside teaching. I helped set up PACER to provide more regular teaching sessions as well as create a peer support network of trainees sitting the exam together – revision is slightly more bearable with friends!
My top tip is to practise (practise practise) your presentation skills – aim to be slick and get your salient points across in under 1 minute. This leaves you more time to cover the other domains and get max marks!
Susannah McMahon
PACER South West Co-Lead
Hi, I am an ST6 trainee currently on maternity leave from St Michael’s Hospital. I founded the PACER programme during my time as an education fellow in 2023.
Top tip: do the basics well – state what you see and know what common signs mean. Don’t get blinded by trying to decipher the weird and wonderful!
Emma Coombe
Severn PACER Rep
I’m Emma, an ST8 currently on maternity leave with baby #2. It’s 8 years since I sat my own clinical exam but I’ve been involved in teaching similar skills since, having undertaken a teaching fellow OOPE year. I remember finding the exam so daunting so I’d love to help others find the confidence to show off the skills we know you have in your exam.
My top tips for preparation (especially for those with life commitments outside of work) are be realistic about the amount of preparation time you need to show your best self in the exam and plan accordingly, and also be brave in putting yourself forward for all preparation opportunities available to you. There’s no embarrassment in identifying a knowledge gap, we all have them. Everyone involved in teaching is giving their time because we want to see you succeed!
Oscar Croysdale
Peninsula PACER Rep
Hi, I’m Oscar, an ST5 currently undertaking an OOPE year working on the BRHC PICU. I am currently undertaking a PGCert in Clinical Education with Exeter University. I have a lot of experience in teaching and mentoring, and take an active role in the running of simulation courses. I have joined the PACER team this year and hope to bring my own ideas to the existing course.
Top tip: My top tip is to keep the bulk of your revision within a small group format, 3 works well. This allows for the sort of rapport where you can be really honest with one another about where you each could improve. It also helps keep one another accountable, which is great motivation.
Ellie Harrison
Severn PACER Rep
Hello! I’m Ellie, one of the ST3s currently working in Bristol Children’s Hospital. Before starting paediatrics training, I spent some time as a Teaching Fellow with medical students
keeping me on my toes. Having just taken my clinical exam, I found the PACER programme invaluable to decipher what the examiners are looking for and giving me the opportunity to practise with others – I hope to pass on that investment.
My top tip? Get as much hands on practice as possible, but make sure you look after yourself and make it to the end. Coffee and cake definitely help the process.
Vicky Wilson
Peninsula PACER Rep
Hello, my name is Vicky and I am a ST5 trainee currently working in Derriford hospital, Plymouth. I did my clinical exams post COVID when they were still being held online. I remember the build up to the exam being really stressful and daunting, however, I was lucky enough to have some online sessions arranged by other trainees. This was a great way to meet others doing the exam and build my confidence. I am new to the PACER team but am really keen to provide the same support I was so grateful for in the lead up to the exam!
My top tip is to practice as much as possible. This will help build your confidence in doing the basics well, especially examining patients and presenting your findings. This should allow you more thinking space. Also remember to have some down time. It is really difficult balancing work, revision and home life, so make sure you fit in something for YOU that helps you to relax and unwind!