
About the PACER Team

Lee Ann Quek

PACER South West Lead

Hi, I’m Lee Ann and am an ST3 currently working in Gloucester. I sat my clinical exam as an ST2 and quickly realised how much work it was getting tutors and bedside teaching. I helped set up PACER to provide more regular teaching sessions as well as create a peer support network of trainees sitting the exam together – revision is slightly more bearable with friends!

My top tip is to practise (practise practise) your presentation skills – aim to be slick and get your salient points across in under 1 minute. This leaves you more time to cover the other domains and get max marks!

Susannah McMahon

PACER South West Co-Lead

Hi, I am an ST6 trainee currently on maternity leave from St Michael’s Hospital. I founded the PACER programme during my time as an education fellow in 2023. 

Top tip: do the basics well – state what you see and know what common signs mean. Don’t get blinded by trying to decipher the weird and wonderful!

Olivia Drewett

Severn Education Fellow

Hey everyone, my name is Livi and I am a Severn ST3, currently stepping up onto the reg rota in Taunton.

I sat my clinical exam in October 2023 on my crutches after having my ACL repaired! 

My top tip would be deep breaths between each station to forget the one before, you can do disastrously on one station (hello my cardiology station) and still pass overall.

You’ve got this!