Self-harm Prevention in collaboration with Office of Health Inequalities and Disparities (OHID)
There are an estimated 200,000 hospital presentations for self-harm per year in England. However, the occurrence of self-harm in the community is likely to be much higher.
The South-West has the second-highest rate of emergency admissions for intentional self-harm when compared to all other English regions.
To support action in this area across the South-West, the South-West Paediatric Mental Health Network have been working with OHID in the development of a reference tool, bringing together local and national evidence and experience together to seek to explain what factors driving self-harm across the region.
CYP Eating Disorder Ethics Forum
The Forum act as a reference group to listen to difficult and challenging Eating-Disorder cases presented by senior clinicians. South-West experts will support the presenting clinicians with innovative solutions and/or reassurance. There are a range of professionals with expertise in eating disorders on the panel, including Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Specialist Nurses, Paediatricians, Dietitians, Psychological Professionals, Family Therapists, Medical Ethics, and Social Workers, as well as having regional and national representation.
The Panel welcome complex Eating-Disorder cases to be referred to this Forum. Please get in touch to request a referral form.
The Panel also welcome anybody with interest or expertise in this field to join these forums, either in a sharing and learning capacity, or to become more involved by becoming a Panel member.
For further information on the forum’s background and purpose, please email our network administrator, Ben, at
Regional roll-out of the Mental Health Champions role
The network is also supporting the NHSE-funded roll-out of Mental Health Champions within each Acute Trust, having held a pilot workshop for the champions of Devon and in current preparations for a regional Mental Health Champion workshop in Taunton.