
Severn PAFTAs 2022 – Nominations open

It’s that time of year again! Nominations for the Severn Paediatric Awards for Training Achievement are now open.

The PAFTAs are all about recognising the wonderful contributions of staff working with children and young people across the region make every day.

You can make nominations for Junior Trainee (ST1-3) and Senior Trainee (ST4-8) of the year, Educational Supervisor of the Year, Educational Environment of the Year and Unsung Hero. For the Unsung Hero category, you can nominate anyone, including AHPs, nursing staff and non-clinical staff. You can nominate anyone you have worked with since September 2021.

We know that people really value receiving nominations so please do take the time to nominate. You can nominate as many times as you like.

To make a nomination, use this link

We will announce the nominees prior to Christmas and will be arranging a face to face awards evening in Spring 2023.

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