
Reminder – Upcoming simulation courses at UHBW Sim Centre

Just a reminder that the following courses are scheduled over the next few months:

Key Competencies – Monday 19th June 2023

This course is most suitable for trainees in their first years of training (ST1/2) with a focus on managing emergency situations and presentations.
Also a great opportunity to get Kaizen assessments signed off!

Step Up to Registrar – Wednesday 19th July

Aimed at trainees who are due to step up onto the middle grade rota in the next ~6 months or have recently made this transition. Scenarios focus on emergency management, team working, leadership and communication.

Places are free (paid for by the deanery) for Severn and Peninsula paediatric trainees so book your study leave!

If you have any other questions about the courses or have attended them previously and would like to join as Faculty, please email

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