Hi All,
The autumn trainee network meeting has just taken place and was very positive and here are some of the updates relevant for you.
For quick view: see the Trainee Network BIG 5 that encompasses everything from exam stress to research this quarter. SCROLL TO POSTER at the end
1. Membership benefits
The college are asking how they can improve membership benefits, thank you to all those who sent in ideas. These were shared and included development of Education and Practice into APP form, access to Athens via the college, regional free educational events and free/reduced cost to exam preparation courses. The team were receptive and we look forward to seeing the changes they can bring in.
Important to note, one benefit, you can get a TOTUM discount card here: https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/news-events/news/totum-pro-now-available-all-members
AND LTFT trainees are entitled to a concession in their membership fees, see here: https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/form/apply-concession
2. College finances and Membership costs
The college came to talk to us about finances and membership fees. We were very pleased to hear how they are strategically thinking and utilising other income strategies including charity grants, monetising college expertise and commercially renting out the college building. Even better news is the team are really aware that we need transparency of where are membership fees are going and they are pulling this information together into a digestable format that we hope to share soon.
3. Eportfolio
There have been problems moving onto the new progress plus eportfolio. Please check yours and if you think it is not correct contact training services. training.services@rcpch.ac.uk
It appears that there were two ways to link to the old curriculum; ‘Links’ and ‘Tags’. The links have not been pulled across to match to the new progress curriculum. The tags should have! This does not seem to be an easy fix but the training team are trying. We have stressed how important this is for many especially with those about to CCT but have had to switch to the new curriculum. With this there is a big apology and we hope to hear direct communication from the training team soon.
The key take away is you may need to run back through your old reflections to tag to the curriculum. If yours does not look right then we strongly suggest getting in contact with the training services team early. We are happy to hear too and will continue to highlight the issues we are facing as trainees.
4. Industrial Action
The college has some information on their website about where to find support during strikes and how to try and minimise the impact on your training.
You will have to record missed days from last ARCP (note not from start of new rotation, so will need to include July and August this year). This can be documented on the Time out of training ‘TOOT” calculation of days. As per any TOOT up to 14days can be recorded before the panel will consider the effect on training. However as with any TOOT if you have effectively shown your capabilities and progression through eportfolio then the number of days should not impact your progression at ARCP. Early conversations with your ES is advised if you have concerns.
5. START and CCT
As many nearer the end of training will know to get a date for the START assessment you need to have an accurate CCT date, as they prioritise trainees that are due to CCT.
This can cause a slight issue if you plan to bring your CCT date forward but have not yet had confirmation. We have raised this issue at the trainee network meeting and the team are now changing guidance to a more flexible approach that will take into account TPD letter, ES support letter or CSAC member support. This should be updated on the website shortly to show the shortlist criteria flexibility.
If you have difficulties please let us know.
We are currently pleased to hear those applying for START have all been allocated a place.
Best wishes,
Sarah Arthur (Severn) or Jenny Merrison-Hort (Peninsula)