As part of the South West Regional Education Bid we are pleased to be able to offer staff working in paediatric palliative care the opportunity to participate in a two-day psychological skills training programme. This is being offered in response to a need identified to offer staff more support in delivering psychologically informed care in this highly demanding clinical area. As you are hopefully aware we are also carrying out a training needs analysis and we will adapt the course to incorporate the findings from this as well over the coming months.
Training topics will include:
– Identifying and screening for psychological needs
– Psychological risk assessment
– Psychological communication skills
– Supporting discussions around death and dying
– Self-care for staff
Please see the attached flyer for dates and to sign up, we currently have 5 spaces left (booking form is accessed by following the QR code link). Further details will be emailed to attendees closer to the time.
Provisional future dates and venues for this course are as follows:-
Day 1 – 15th Nov – Virtual
Day 2 – 23rd Nov – venue to be confirmed
Cornwall – Lowan Suite, Victoria Offices, St Austell
Day 1 – 11th Jan 24 – virtual
Day 2 – 19th Jan – face to face