Hello Peninsula Trainees!
First of all, thanks to everyone who completed the feedback survey for the school board meeting in February. We had an incredible response, and it was really useful to be able to bring all of your comments to the Head of School, TPDs and College Tutors.
We also asked you what we as trainee reps could do to better represent and support you, and one suggestion was for more regular feedback. To that end, we are going to put up a bulletin for all trainees which will update you all on what we are up to, important developments for trainees both regionally and nationally and about any interesting events happening down here or further afield. This will go out by email as well as PaedsHub at least at first.
So without further ado here is the inaugural Peninsula Paediatric Trainee Bulletin:
Update from School Board Meeting
Shape of Training is coming in 2023 and things will look very different. A big part of Shape of Training is the inclusion of more ‘off-piste’ placements within Core Training (ST1-3) to potentially include Community Paeds, General Practice, hospices or other community based organisations. This is still in an early stage of planning and there is an opportunity for trainees to have their say in this. If you want to be part of this conversation, contact one of your reps and we will pass on your details to the school board.
Relocation expenses. It was raised at the meeting that some trainees have struggled to get reimbursed (even from what little we are entitled to!) on relocation. If this applies to you, please let your College Tutor or trainee reps know so they can support you and direct you to the right people.
Study Leave guidance (namely the approved courses for study leave reimbursement) has been recently updated by the Heads of School. Unfortunately, this updated course list has not been altered on the Deanery website due to logistical something or other. If you are not sure if a course you want to attend qualifies, touch base with your College Tutor or TPD. Guidance on study leave for trainees (including the out of date course list) can be found at https://peninsuladeanery.nhs.uk/about-us/study-leave-across-the-south-west/
Trainee Feedback was gratefully received and reviewed by the school board. In particular, feedback around Derriford NICU was discussed. As reps, the impression we are getting from trainee feedback and the involved consultants is that there have been significant issues but that these are currently being actively addressed and some improvement has already been seen. We always want to hear if anyone has any current worries about this or any other placement around the Peninsula, please to let us know – be it by email, WhatsApp or in our drop-in session. We send out surveys every few months but we don’t disappear in between times and we are always keen to listen and help if we can.
College Tutor reports were received from all centres. In particular, Exeter got a gold star from us by mentioning that they were successfully allocating appropriate SPA time for all trainees (16 hours/month for ST4-8 and 8 hours/month for ST1-3). Don’t forget your Trainee Charter supports adequate SPA time, and please exception report any SPA you are having to complete in your own time because it’s not allowed for in your rota!
Progress+ is Coming!
As of September 2023, Progress is dead and long live Progress+. It’s coming up fast and will significantly affect the vast majority of trainees particularly those who will be ST4/5 in Summer 2023.
At https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/progress-plus-trainees-training-2021-22 you will find a idiot’s guide to transition to Progress+. It is very useful and we suggest you read it through if you are not sure what will happen to you and your training in Summer 2023, and what you need to be doing now to prepare.
The Progress+ landing page on the college website is very informative, and the Progress+ team at the college are genuinely very keen to answer any questions people have about the new curriculum. Drop them a line at progress-plus@rcpch.ac.uk.
IMG support and training
Our wonderful IMG rep Hana Bashir continues to work tirelessly to support IMGs in the region and has organized a number of study days already in her brief tenure. There will be more study day opportunities coming very soon – watch this space. Also just FYI, Hana is looking for someone to take over the IMG role from September (although she’s very happy to offer support and guidance for her successor). Give her a shout if you’re keen!
LTFT working
We don’t currently have a consultant LTFT champion (work in progress) but Chloe Bulwer our trainee rep is here and very knowledgeable. We have ever increasing numbers of LTFT trainees across the region and our understanding is that everyone who has applied for Category 3 LTFT has been granted it although some have been asked to defer their start of LTFT. The guidance for the rights of LTFT trainees with regards to training/working hours/pay exists and is pretty unequivocal but can be confusing so if you are having any difficulties then drop us a line. PaedsHub also has a great guide to LTFT here.
PAFTAs – an update from the PAFTA committee
Due to the unhelpful arrival of Omicron and subsequent uncertainty and staffing pressures the PAFTAs ceremony has been pushed back to Saturday 14th May. We will still be hosting this F2F, in Exeter, so please get your swaps in, it is set to be an amazing night. You will also be hearing from us in the next few weeks about successfully Shortlisted nominees! If you are interested in getting involved in the PAFTAs, please contact james.dearden@nhs.net.
South West Paediatric Mental Health Network
“We hosted the first meeting of the South West Paediatric Mental Health Network in February, which was a fantastic opportunity to gather leads in mental health from across the entire of the South West. This was intentionally advertised late to trainees, as the main focus of the event was to bring together the leads in Trusts and organisations, with education as a secondary focus, however we are welcoming anyone who is keen to be part of this growing network. If you are invested and enthusiastic about advocating for Children’s mental health in a post-pandemic era and want to see mental health treated with the same consideration as physical health ailments, then please email james.dearden@nhs.net and I can add you to our email circulars. There are going to be loads of opportunity for joined up collaborative trans-regional working and QuIP, and a chance to make a real difference.”
Zoom trainee drop-in session 29th March
We held a Zoom drop-in session on 29th March, for trainees to pop in and talk to the rep committee about any issues they are having with work or training. The good news is that everyone must be having a lovely time at work as nobody came! If you do have any stresses or worries about work/training/Progress+ please do get in touch.
Events and Opportunities
Metabolic study day – 19th May 2022 10am-4pm at Holiday Inn Taunton
“WHEN TO THINK METABOLIC? 9th South West Regional Metabolic Study Day.
Hosted by Dr Germaine Pierre & Dr Effie Chronopoulou.
A one-day meeting for all healthcare professionals involved in the care of children with known or suspected inherited metabolic disease and their families. It is of particular relevance to Paediatricians, Neonatologists, Geneticists, Junior Doctors, Biochemists and Dietitians.
The registration fee is £25.00, to include refreshments and lunch.
For further information contact Jacqui McAleer, JM Associates on jmassociates1@me.com Tel No 07836 650782”
ALLIANCE study survey
“The PeriviAble DeLiveries: ALIgning PArental aNd PhysiCian PrioritiEs (ALLIANCE) study is attempting to better understand clinician and parental priorities and perceptions around periviable birth (22+0 – 24+6 weeks). The aim is to align these perspectives within the pre-delivery periviable conversation in order to reduce variability in information sharing and improve meaningful parental engagement in decision-making.
To that end, the ALLIANCE study team would like to invite you to participate in a preliminary short survey gathering current clinician experience with periviable pre-delivery conversations. All answers are anonymous. https://www.qualtrics.manchester.ac.uk/jfe/form/SV_bKgZkFJ6NaXxcOO“
RCPCH Conference!
Real live face to face conferences are a thing again whoop whoop. If you fancy coming along to the College conference from 28-30th June then registration is now open.
FomoHUB is a great new website with up to date details of upcoming courses and conferences for a number of specialties including paediatrics. Check it out.
Trainee rep vacancies!
If you have found this email completely fascinating and would like to become more involved in supporting trainees or coordinating teaching around the region then your rep team needs you! In particular we are in need of ST6-8 and CCH representative candidates as these lovely ladies are CCTing soon and will therefore not be allowed in the club anymore. Our IMG rep is also looking for a keen IMG to continue the amazing work she’s started across the region from September.
That’s all folks!
Love from,
Jenny (RCPCH rep)
Annabel (ST6-8 rep)
Chris and Alicia (ST4-5 reps)
Eva (ST1-3 rep)
Chloe (LTFT rep)
Hana (IMG rep)