We appreciate there has been some confusion about this year’s ARCP process, and we are receiving a lot of queries. Hopefully you will have all received again the checklist forms and these FAQ’s as well to help.
Regarding the careers sessions these are optional and OPT in so please contact David Warren if you would like a slot
In the first instance please try to find the information you need yourself, it should be available on the following resources. Multiple trainees sending emails creates a lot of administration for the Deanery team, we do appreciate there are lots of nuances to each individual’s training but certain principles can be applied for all to follow.
The Gold Guide: a guide to all medical training. Most information included here is taken from the Gold Guide. ARCP Page 61 onwards
Gold Guide – 9th Edition – Conference Of Postgraduate Medical Deans (copmed.org.uk)
Gold-Guide-9th-Edition-August-2022.pdf (copmed.org.uk)
RCPCH website; you may find the training guide useful Paediatric training and assessment | RCPCH
Peninsula website ARCP – Peninsula Paediatrics (peninsuladeanery.nhs.uk)
Who needs and ARCP and what are the timings
- An ARCP assessment is required at least annually (It should normally be undertaken on at least an annual basis for all trainees and with no more than a maximum interval of 15 months to facilitate revalidation. The process may be conducted more frequently if there is a need to deal with performance and progression issues or, where appropriate, to facilitate acceleration of training outside of the annual review).
- If you started training in September your ARCP will be done around June to allow you to progress to the next level of training in September
- If you started training in March your ARCP will be done around January to allow you to progress to the next level of training in March
- In Peninsula we do ARCP panels in June and January ONLY at the moment
- Most trainees are assessed in June
- If you are less than full time your ARCP will be in June or January but your training time at each stage will be taken into account and you will be updated of when you move to the next training year unless you state otherwise on your Trainers report
- If you have started training in March you do not need an ARCP in June UNLESS you are due to move to the next training year in September (eg moved into Peninsula in March midway through ST4 and ready to move to ST5 in september).
What if I am on OOP/maternity/sick leave
- OOP – your name will be added to the ARCP list for records. You need to create an ARCP YEAR X folder in your portfolio’s documents folder and add an up to date Annual OOP form (Gold Guide Appendix 4) to update the panel on what you are doing.
- You will get an outcome 8
- If you are doing an OOPR you will also need to include a research supervisors report
- If you are doing an OOPC a yearly OOPC request if extension is needed should be sent to the ARCP Panel in advance
- If you are doing an OOPT you will be assessed as if you are in training, and this requires an ESTR (educational supervisors trainers report) for ARCP report
- Please provide indicative dates for returning to training
- ARCP outcomes are issued as an outcome 0 for those on maternity/paternity/adoption/sick leave or where training is paused, however your name will still be on the ARCP list for the panel to record this time period. This is important for CCT.
- All trainees except ST8 trainees need to complete the ARCP new Progress+ proforma checklist. This needs to the uploaded the current years ARCP folder in the documents section in your portfolio
- ST8 trainees need to complete the Progress checklist
- Anyone who has done ANY clinical work (including KIT days) in the past year needs to complete and upload a Form R.
- Additional locum shifts need be to included on your Form R. No additional locum shifts can be used as training time
ES/CS/ESTR Reports
- An ESTR report is needed for each training rotation.
- If you have one ES for the year then you need 1 ESTR for ARCP report
- If you change ES then you need a ESTR for ARCP report from each ES you had
- Where your CS is different to your ES you will need separate CS reports
- ESTR report for ARCP is essential for your ARCP. This is your chance to include your training preferences and career aspirations for consideration. If you wish to specifically expediate your training this needs to be explicitly written on your ESTR for ARCP and communicated to the Deanery prior to ARCP.