
LTFT Training Application Process

All doctors can apply for LTFT training under category 1, 2 or 3. Please see Gold Guide (reference guide for postgraduate specialty training in the UK) for more information.

When considering applying for LTFT training, here are a few tips:

  1. Contact your Training Programme Director (TPD) early to discuss this plan.
  2. Apply as early as you can, as it can take three months to process your application.
  3. Discuss with your RCPCH College Tutor how you will best use the training opportunities and provide the required service cover – for example, find out when local / regional teaching takes place so you can organise your rota to optimise your learning opportunities.
  4. Try to discuss LTFT training with those already doing it, so you are clear about what is involved. Daytime working, on-call and out of-hours duties are normally undertaken on a pro rata basis.

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