

In Gloucester there is a real emphasis on teaching and training. A weekly teaching programme with education on most days of the week, including general paediatric and neonatal teaching, journal club and the much loved, EduCake, allowing discussion by all grades of interesting cases, provides a breadth of topics. There is daily SHO and twice weekly registrar teaching; provided by consultants, registrars and allied health professionals. As well as this, trainees are encouraged to provide teaching themselves, including WBAs, journal club and being involved in the extensive medical student programme co-ordinated by the medical student co-ordinator. Most meetings and teaching are provided virtually and many meetings are summarised with notes distributed to all junior doctors. At the monthly paediatric education faculty meeting we are encouraged to share our feedback and any suggestions for improving the teaching program with the trainers and tutors. 

Trainees are encouraged to attend and be involved in MDTs such as M&M, X-ray meeting and Child protection peer review, and to take on leadership roles including rota co-ordination and taking on the teaching programme. We are supported and encouraged to act up and welcomed to the weekly Consultant meeting. Clinic experience is ensured with bleep free Wednesday registrar clinic and the ST8 supervised clinics that have recently been started. Clinical governance & audit is actively encouraged, current projects include: reduction of admission of term babies to NNU and improving management of VIW. We strive for a positive working environment and praise excellent work, with a regular ‘SuperDoc’ nomination prize for positive feedback.  

Trainees are given the opportunity to choose their rota slot, which is provided in adequate time, and has SPA time scheduled within the rota. We have a large number of LTFT trainees (both 60% and 80%), who are put into job shares in the rota.  RTT trainees are provided with adequate support and supervision, and pregnant trainees are given support and receive regular risk assessment and review of their on-call duties.  

In Gloucester we have many excellent and well-trained educational supervisors, who are allocated to trainees based on their needs and career intention. We encourage regular meetings and give additional support if needed.  

Gloucester is an extremely busy department, but there is a large emphasise on wellbeing, consultants regularly encourage trainees to take regular breaks and rest, and recently provided trainees with treats, personal care needs and luxury tea & coffee facilities. On-call facilities are available if trainees are too tired post shifts or need rest prior to driving home.   

Jemma Say, ST8 Paediatric Trainee 
Trainee Feedback
‘I like that at Gloucester there is a real emphasis on the recognition of the contribution of trainees no matter the seniority with weekly ‘SuperDoc’ nominations, and the weekly Educake sessions are a great opportunity for group learning of more unusual presentations and cases, and recognise the complexity and possible variations in management.’   Paediatric Registrar, Gloucester Royal Hospital  

‘I appreciate the email updates from Educake, this helps me learn from unusual and complex cases, especially if they have been transferred to a teritary centre or other specialty’ ST4 GRH

‘At Gloucester we are very well supported by the Community Paediatric team who assist us with safeguarding cases and keep us updated with the outcome of cases at the peer review meetings, the notes of which are emailed around to trainees. This is really valuable especially when our shift system
makes attending in person impossible’ ST8 GRH 

‘At Gloucester senior trainees are encouraged to engage in activities that prepare us for the consultant role. This has been very useful and I feel better prepared for my consultant post’ ST8 GRH

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