- Daniel Leach
- Rebecca Treleaven
- Maria Tsakmakis
- Giles Richardson
Review of previous minutes
RT update
- ST1-3 regional teaching update : CAMHs and Public Health days organised for coming year. Still awaiting most CTs to reply with dates.
- The PaedsHub Pod – 3 recorded, now undergoing beta tested. Aim to be ready for uploading to website by May.
- Regional hybrid teaching survey – 16 responses so far. Most keen to try a hybrid model. Trainees miss the face to face interaction but really enjoy the option to stay at home.
- TASME award: no response yet
DL update
- September plan and continued funding for posts :
The website will still require a lot of work from September if we move all available South West courses to PaedsHub. Currently both roles not funded from next September. If no funding obtained would still need financial backing for website costs. Maria and Giles to look at other ways to secure funding for fellow roles. Plan to bid for a five year fellow post. - Meeting this Wednesday with Mentimeter for introduction. Dan to create booklet for CT’s and distribute licenses.
- Website update:
- Research page: SPARQ created
- Educational supervisors and speciality doctors to be invited to join PaedsHub. An email has gone out to invite ES but not many responses so far. Maria will discuss at college meetings.
- Online courses , currently none ready. For some courses the creators appear to have lost interest or become too busy. AKP and safeguarding modules are nearly finished. At end of year , consider creating a higher bar for getting course registered. Maria highlighted importance for modules that sign off hard to complete competencies. Modules are useful but community / democratising with the use of reps also very important. RT to look in to encouraging further use of the website with reps.
- Date for fellow’s appraisal
- Budget is available for fellows for PG cert.
Action plan
- RT + DL to create videos for June school board meeting
- MT and GR to secure funding for posts in September, otherwise RT and DL will need to consider how to make website as self sufficient as possible.
- GR and MT to produce podcast for shape of training – two sessions: generic and Q&A.
- RT to finish AKP module and Safeguarding modules
- RT to finish initial podcasts and send to DL
- Organise date for individual appraisals.