Minutes: 12/10/21 at 15:00 Paedshub exec meeting
D. Leach, R Treleaven, M Tsakmakis, G Richardson, E Bradley and A Powell
- Informed of Dr Nick Clarke appointment to new role with a focus on filming and production with the SIM team
- Discussed modules under development
- DL has microphone for podcast interview for neonatal sepsis module and appointment of reps e.g. IMG / trainee charter
- Paedshub requires platform for hosting video content
- Youtube not a good option as cannot ensure privacy
- DL recommends Vimeo
- DL to send MT itemised costings for yearly website hosting
- MT to put forward a business case to HEE in next month
- Aim for all trainees to sign up to Paedshub in time for launch: Jan 2021
- With 4-8 demo modules available (everyone)
- Suggestions around asking college tutors and education supervisors all to contribute a module over the coming year(s).
- Ensure all modules are linked to curriculum and key capabilities
- Learning fellow role clarification (RT)
- Currently my role only funded for the year
- To organise a rolling structured programme of training for ST1-3s over a 2 year period
- RT to work with ST1-3 reps and Emma / Helen.
- Support ST4-8s in restarting teaching with lead from college tutors.
- RT to work with Alex / David and reps.
- RT to develop guide on getting the best out of a training day.
- Trial methods of hybridising training: Some trainees present / some remote access
- GR recommended a meeting (?Taunton) to formalise running of deanery teaching / training structure
- So that trainees feel confident creating day / don’t loose out on training opportunity
- How to ensure Peninsula trainees and consultants remain involved
- Ensure all advertisements go to Peninsula trainees (Leanne and Jo) and cc MT and GR.
- GR to encourage consultant colleagues in Peninsula to identify interested trainees to help develop modules.