Exec committee meeting 06/09/21
Chair – Rebecca Treleaven (RT)
with Dan Leach (DL), Maria Tsakmakis (MT), Giles Richardson (GR)
Dear all,
Please find minutes for yesterdays meeting below.
Kind regards
1) Review previous meetings.
a) Regional training meeting (23/7/21) + ST1-3 reps meeting (2/8/21)
More trainees able to attend / easier to access remote learning. Elements of the deanery training days should remain online.
Future teaching should aim to be a mixture of face to face (with the option to live stream / record the session) and online modules.
The best teaching days were felt to be focused around one theme and that this topic was difficult to cover in day to day paediatric training.
Online learning packages can compliment this themed teaching and should focus on areas trainees find hard to gain experience in.
ST1-3 reps enjoyed sharing teaching with Peninsula. This has reduced the workload on them as the number of sessions required is reduced.
ST1-3s feel very supported by Dr Bradley and Helen, who have helped obtain speakers and share a WhatsApp group with them to discuss any issues.
There is a heavy admin burden on teaching reps who often have to scramble last minute for presenters due to cancellations. Often the person is focusing on organising the day so they miss education opportunities. It is also not appropriate for Severn HEE to be providing this technical support, as it is not within their job description.
Teaching dates and topics should be organised 1 year+ ahead. We should restart the rolling three year rota with tertiary specialities, DGHs and the college tutors taking responsibility for each day. This should reduce the admin burden for trainee reps.
Currently no one from administrative side is available to facilitate the day. The deanery is still investigating if its possible to employ someone / allocate time to this.
Maria and Giles to contact college tutors to arrange a meeting to discuss deanery teaching. Recommence a 3 year programme.
RT to identify core topics that must be covered at St1-3 and St4+ and other popular ones with trainees. There is also the possibility of developing cross specialty teaching with anaesthetics / GP (e.g. remote consultation) and emergency medicine.
Ensure teaching is consistent with the shape of training / progress plus, incorporating ‘Paediatricians of the future: delivering really good training.’
Recommendations that each teaching events should have three trainees (not necessarily the teaching reps) to help organise the day plus a college tutor:
1) Organiser – creates the concept
2) MC – hosts the event
3) Tech support
RT to produce guideline for Paedshub on delivering good remote deanery teaching and set format / standards for the deanery training days,
Further issues are IT support. Trainees have found it difficult to send out MS team links and to use MS teams to its full potential. Reps may not be available to host the event and so cannot provide a teams link and some trusts are concerned re data breech / IG.
DL has confirmed with HEE that they will not provide emails for MS teams, we can use our own hospital MS teams. There should not be a data security issue if others access this from across the deanery.
Therefore, anyone can create a meeting on MS teams and the designated trainee to host the event will create a link and then publish it on Paedshub blog for anyone to access. Within the comments section will be further links to the recording and feedback for presenter.
Poor interaction during teaching sessions with people reluctant to put their camera on.
RT guide to include recommendations for this.
The teaching sessions are intermittently recorded and create large files, which are difficult to upload.
DL is producing a guide to using MS teams and will provide recommendations on ways to record and upload files. We will also ensure it is clear that live recordings are taking place on the website and that they have shelf life of 3 years.
Reps would like to be able to provide feedback to each presenter at regional teaching. Survey monkey is becoming more difficult to use. DL creating a feedback website that provides presenters with a certificate summarising the feedback.
b) Regional survey summary
- Topic summary’s, interactive modules and podcasts = clear leaders .
Important that we try and get modules up and running asap to encourage more people to contribute. RT and MT to produce first prototype module. DL to define what are the easier interactive modules he can make e.g. quizzes, videos etc. - Clinical topics (general and speciality) + MRCPCH most popular areas trainees would like teaching on.
- Monthly newsletter to update trainees
- No clear winner re MS teams vs other online platform – team agrees to stick with MS teams for now.
2) Trainee focus group:
Meeting to be held on Tuesday 14/9/2021 @ 6pm – lead by Paedshub fellows.
DL to send out invite to those that responded to survey
DL to write email for GR to send to other applicants.
RT to send invite out to all severn and peninsula trainees.
3) Review Trello jobs and create new action plan based on above
RT to do
4) Any other business
5) Date of next meeting: 12/10/21 at 3pm on MS teams