Activity Log
Meeting with HEE IT and Pinar to clarify what central support available for regional teaching meetings Started ‘How to run a regional teaching session on teams’ documentation
Activity Log
Prepared digital training preferences survey report Created doodle poll for focus group meeting Produced new logos/avatars/favicons/document templates with gravit designer and compiled branding pack Updated task list
Activity Log
Finalised digital training preferences survey questions Created survey on Office Forms Embedded into website survey page Updated .htaccess to redirect
Activity log
Meeting with current ST1-3 Severn teaching reps to discuss their plans for regional training. Developed questions for regional teaching survey.
Activity log
Attended regional training meeting, discussed concepts for year ahead including development of Paedshub website and identified issues raised by reps.
Activity Log
Chaired initial project meeting with exec committee. Created trello workspace Put old prototype behind login wall Created new splash landing page
Executive committee meeting
Initial exec committee meeting 19/07/21Chair – Dan Leach (DL)with Rebecca Treleaven (RT), Maria Tsakmakis (MT), Giles Richardson (GR) Follow up email as minutes Hi all, Great to meet yesterday…
WARD Wellbeing Guide
This booklet was first made as a response to the first wave of COVID-19 to aid health professionals in the Severn Deanery. As part of WARD’s inaugural conference, we…